Windows 10 Prevent Mouse and Power Off From Waking From Sleep

Jun 22, 2018
Disable Modern Standby On Dell XPS 15 9570

There is a very good article on How to Prevent Your Computer From Waking Up Accidentally, but you shall notice

  • Power Management tab and Allow this device to wake the computer is missing from Device Manager -> Mice and other pointing devices.
  • Sleep -> Allow wake timers is missing from Power options -> Change plan settings -> Change advanced power settings

If the above happen, there is high chances your Windows 10 is using Modern Standby. This is supposed to be a new tech from Microsoft to allow your notebook to behave more like a mobile device (sleep light, fast awake). But 2 things really irratate me:

  • When I close the notebook lid (or put the notebook into sleep mode), accidentally move the mouse or touch pad would wake it.
  • If you switch off the power or unplug the power cable, the notebook would wake up as well

The is no way to disable mouse and power wake, except to disable Modern Standby.

Click on Win10 Search, type regedit and click on run command. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power, modify CsEnabled and set the value to 0 (original is 1). Restart the notebook and you shall get back the good old fashion reliable Windows sleep.

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✨ By Desmond Lua

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