mplfinance Plot Marker on Price Chart

Nov 3, 2020

We shall plot a marker on the price chart on the following conditions

  • Close - Open >= 5% (Up)
  • Open - Close >= 5% (Down)
import yfinance as yfimport mplfinance as mpfimport numpy as npyticker = yf.Ticker("MSFT")data = yticker.history(period="1y") # max, 1y, 3mo, etcdef detect_intraday_price_diff(data):    up_markers = []    down_markers = []    for index, row in data.iterrows():        diff = row['Open'] - row['Close']        diff_pct = diff / row['Open']        if diff_pct >= 0.05:          up_markers.append(row['Close'])          down_markers.append(np.nan)        elif diff_pct <= -0.05:          down_markers.append(row['Close'])          up_markers.append(np.nan)        else:          up_markers.append(np.nan)          down_markers.append(np.nan)    return up_markers, down_markers     up_markers, down_markers = detect_intraday_price_diff(data)up_plot = mpf.make_addplot(up_markers, type='scatter', marker='v', markersize=100, panel=0)down_plot = mpf.make_addplot(down_markers, type='scatter', marker='^', markersize=100, panel=0)plots = [up_plot, down_plot]mpf.plot(data, type='candle', style='yahoo', addplot=plots, title='MSFT')

mplfinance add markers

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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