Python Binance Asyncio Client


import timeimport datetime# import pytz# import dateparser# import requestsimport aiohttpimport asyncioimport hmacimport hashlib# import decimal# import pprint# import numbers# import sys# import randomfrom urllib.parse import urljoin, urlencodeclass BinanceException(Exception):    def __init__(self, status_code, data=None):        self.status_code = status_code        if data:            self.code = data['code']            self.msg = data['msg']            message = f"{status_code} [{self.code}] {self.msg}"        else:            self.code = None            self.msg = None            message = f"status_code={status_code}"        # Python 2.x        # super(BinanceException, self).__init__(message)        super().__init__(message)class BinanceClientAsync:    BASE_URL = ''    def __init__(self, api_key, secret_key, recvWindow=6000, TEST=False, retry=3):        self.api_key = api_key        self.secret_key = secret_key        self.recvWindow = recvWindow        self.headers = {            'X-MBX-APIKEY': api_key        }        self.TEST = TEST        self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()        self.retry = retry    async def open(self):        self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()    async def close(self):        await self.session.close()    async def _handle_reponse(self, r):        if r.status == 200:            data = await r.json()            return data        else:            if r.headers['Content-Type'].startswith('application/json'):                raise BinanceException(status_code=r.status, data=await r.json())            else:                raise BinanceException(status_code=r.status, data=None)    def _sign(self, params):        params['timestamp'] = int(time.time() * 1000)        query_string = urlencode(params)        params['signature'] ='utf-8'), query_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()    async def _retry_request(self, fn):        retry_count = 0        while True:            try:                return await fn()            except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError as e:                print(e)                retry_count += 1                if retry_count >= self.retry:                    raise e                await asyncio.sleep(pow(2, retry_count-1)) # 1, 2, 4            except BinanceException as e:                if e.code == -1001: # DISCONNECTED, Internal error; unable to process your request. Please try again.                    print(e)                    retry_count += 1                    if retry_count >= self.retry:                        raise e                    await asyncio.sleep(pow(2, retry_count-1)) # 1, 2, 4                elif e.status_code == 502: # maybe want to handle all 5XX error?                    print(e)                    retry_count += 1                    if retry_count >= self.retry:                        raise e                    await asyncio.sleep(pow(2, retry_count-1)) # 1, 2, 4                else:                    raise e

Sample Function

class BinanceClientAsync:    async def get_time(self):        PATH =  '/api/v1/time'        params = None        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with self.session.get(url) as r:            if r.status == 200:                data = await r.json()                return data            else:                raise BinanceException(status_code=r.status, data=data)

User _handle_reponse to reduce code.

class BinanceClientAsync:    async def get_exchange_info(self):        PATH =  '/api/v1/exchangeInfo'        params = None        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with self.session.get(url, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)    async def get_price(self, symbol=None):        PATH = '/api/v3/ticker/price'        params = {                }        if symbol:            params['symbol'] = symbol        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)

Support retry due to network or server error

class BinanceClientAsync:    async def get_order_book(self, symbol, limit=100):        # PATH = '/api/v1/depth'        PATH = '/api/v3/depth'        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'limit': limit        }        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async def request():            async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:                return await self._handle_reponse(r)        return await self._retry_request(request)

Create Order

class BinanceClientAsync:    async def order_limit_maker(self, symbol, side, quantity, price):        return await self.create_order(            symbol=symbol,            side=side,            quantity=quantity,            order_type='LIMIT_MAKER',            price=price,            time_in_force=None)    async def order_stop_loss_limit(self, symbol, side, quantity, stop_price, price):        return await self.create_order(            symbol=symbol,            side=side,            quantity=quantity,            order_type='STOP_LOSS_LIMIT',            price=price,            stop_price=stop_price,            time_in_force='GTC')    async def order_market(self, symbol, side, quantity):        return await self.create_order(            symbol=symbol,            side=side,            quantity=quantity,            order_type='MARKET',            price=None,            time_in_force=None)    async def create_order(self, symbol, side, quantity, order_type, price, time_in_force, stop_price=None):        PATH = '/api/v3/order'        #if self.TEST:        #    PATH = '/api/v3/order/test'        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'side': side,            'quantity': quantity,            'type': order_type        }        if price is not None:            params['price'] = price        if time_in_force is not None:            params['timeInForce'] = time_in_force        if stop_price is not None:            params['stopPrice'] = stop_price        self._sign(params)        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)

Query/Cancel Order

class BinanceClientAsync:    async def query_order(self, symbol, order_id):        PATH = '/api/v3/order'        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'orderId': order_id        }        self._sign(params)        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        # status: NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PENDING_CANCEL, REJECTED, EXPIRED        async def request():            async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:                return await self._handle_reponse(r)        return await self._retry_request(request)    async def cancel_order(self, symbol, order_id):        PATH = '/api/v3/order'        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'orderId': order_id        }        self._sign(params)        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with self.session.delete(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)


class BinanceClientAsync:    async def get_price(self, symbol=None):        PATH = '/api/v3/ticker/price'        params = {                }        if symbol:            params['symbol'] = symbol        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)    async def get_order_book(self, symbol, limit=100):        # PATH = '/api/v1/depth'        PATH = '/api/v3/depth'        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'limit': limit        }        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async def request():            async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:                return await self._handle_reponse(r)        return await self._retry_request(request)    async def get_kline_data(self, symbol, interval, limit=500, start_time=None, end_time=None):        PATH = '/api/v1/klines'        # interval: 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'interval': interval,            'limit': limit        }        if start_time is not None:            params['startTime'] = start_time        if end_time is not None:            params['endTime'] = end_time        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async def request():            async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:                return await self._handle_reponse(r)        return await self._retry_request(request)    async def get_trades(self, symbol, from_id=None, limit=500, start_time=None):        PATH = '/api/v3/myTrades'        params = {            'symbol': symbol        }        if from_id:            params['fromId'] = from_id        if start_time:            params['startTime'] = start_time        if limit:            params['limit'] = limit        self._sign(params)        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)    async def create_oco_order(self, symbol, side, quantity, price, stop_price, stop_limit_price, stop_limit_time_in_force):        PATH = '/api/v3/order/oco'        #if self.TEST:        #    PATH = '/api/v3/order/test'        params = {            'symbol': symbol,            'side': side,            'quantity': quantity,            'price': price,            'stopPrice': stop_price,            'stopLimitPrice': stop_limit_price,            'stopLimitTimeInForce': stop_limit_time_in_force        }        self._sign(params)        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async with, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:            return await self._handle_reponse(r)    async def query_oco_order(self, order_list_id):        PATH = '/api/v3/orderList'        params = {            'orderListId': order_list_id        }        self._sign(params)        url = urljoin(self.BASE_URL, PATH)        async def request():            async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params) as r:                return await self._handle_reponse(r)        return await self._retry_request(request)

Sample Usage

import asyncioimport binance_clientasync def main():    binance = binance_client.BinanceClientAsync(api_key=BINANCE_API_KEY, secret_key= BINANCE_SECRET_KEY)    symbol = 'BTCBUSD'    side = 'buy'    prices = await binance.get_price(symbol=symbol)    price = float(prices['price'])    # adjust price lower to prevent immediate match    price *= 0.995    # buy BUSD 15 worth of BTC    quantity = 15 / price    price = f"{price:.2f}"    quantity = f"{ quantity:.6f}"    print('price', price, 'quantity', quantity)    try:        data = await binance.order_limit_maker(symbol=symbol, side=side, quantity=quantity, price=price)        order_id = data['orderId']        print('order_id', order_id)        loop_count = 0        while True:            await asyncio.sleep(5)            data = await binance.query_order(symbol=symbol, order_id=order_id)            status = data['status']            print('status', status)            if status in ['FILLED', 'CANCELED', 'PENDING_CANCEL', 'REJECTED', 'EXPIRED']:                print('success')                break            # wait 10*5 = 50s before cancel            loop_count += 1            if loop_count > 10:                data = await binance.cancel_order(symbol=symbol, order_id=order_id)                print('cancel')                break    except binance_client.BinanceException as e:        # if e.code == -2010 and e.msg == 'Order would immediately match and take.':        # if e.code == -2013 and e.msg == 'Order does not exist.'        print(e)


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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