Android LoremIpsum

Nov 1, 2021
import androidx.ui.tooling.preview.datasource.LoremIpsumval wordCount = 10val LoremIpsum(10).values.first()assertEquals("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sodales\n" +        "laoreet",text)

LoremIpsum doesn't generate random string (it always generate the same string with N word count).

If you want randomness, you can have a list of titles / sentences and randomly select them instead.

class FakeData {  companion object {      val titles by lazy {          listOf(              "The Roulette Restaurant Bar - U.S Potatoes Culinary Festival 2018 Menu",              "沙登美食@玉兴饭店",              "Cendol Pak Akob, Paling Popular Di Shah Alam",              "1 Day Healthy Trip To Broga Hill | Daniel Chew The Wanderer",              "Tow Kee Hakka Mee, Seremban: Best Hakka Mee In Town...A Must Try In Seremban!",              "Famous Chicken Rice Stall at Hong Seng Kopitiam, Section 17 — Tsk.",              "KAMPUNG CONTEMPORARY DINING: Siu Yuk Nasi Lemak - BISHSAYS",              "Fika dengan Homebaker@Clover Cinnamon Rolls",              "Bukit Gasing Hike (A loop to reach all highlights) | MeowtainPeople",              "vlog #303 | Tidur Menghadap Hutan di The Bothy @Taman Sari, Hulu Langat",              "Sailor’s Rest - a great weekend getaway",              "Cha Lao Dim Sum 茶楼点心",              "鎌倉・衣張山ハイキングコースと周辺の寺院めぐり : 駅からハイキングに行ってきました♪",              "朝比奈ハイキングコースを歩こう|鎌倉紀行",              "Best Tokyo Arts and Crafts Supply Stores",              "【美食活動】龍膽石斑美食節:圓山大飯店金龍廳、圓苑新推出屏東枋寮龍膽石斑海味料理 (8/24~9/30) 4270",              "花蓮甜點:昭和58 日本懷舊咖啡廳好吃的甜點蛋糕,讓回憶穿越至美好的1983 - Banbi 斑比美食旅遊"          )      }  }}
val titile = FakeData.titles.random()

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.