Android Studio Import External Svg Icon With Padding (e.g. FontAwesome)

We can easily import Material Icon (Android Studio -> File -> New -> Vector Asset -> Asset Type: Clipart) with the default size of 24dp, black color with perfect padding.

When we import external svg icon such as Font Awesome (Asset Type: Local File (SVG, PSD)), there is no padding.

Change the import svg from

    android:width="24dp" xmlns:android="">

    <path android:fillColor="#FF000000" android:pathData="M436,480h-20L416,24c0,-13.255 -10.745,-24 -24,-24L56,0C42.745,0 32,10.745 32,24v456L12,480c-6.627,0 -12,5.373 -12,12v20h448v-20c0,-6.627 -5.373,-12 -12,-12zM128,76c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12L128,76zM128,172c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40zM180,320h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12zM256,480h-64v-84c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v84zM320,308c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40zM320,212c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40zM320,116c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12L256,76c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40z"/>


to the following

  • Add <group> tag
  • Scale will how much padding (e.g 0.75 is 25% padding)
  • Pivot will center the icon, where pivotX is viewportWidth/2 and pivotY isviewportHeight/2.
    android:width="24dp" xmlns:android="">


        <path android:fillColor="#FF000000" android:pathData="M436,480h-20L416,24c0,-13.255 -10.745,-24 -24,-24L56,0C42.745,0 32,10.745 32,24v456L12,480c-6.627,0 -12,5.373 -12,12v20h448v-20c0,-6.627 -5.373,-12 -12,-12zM128,76c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12L128,76zM128,172c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40zM180,320h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12zM256,480h-64v-84c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v84zM320,308c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40zM320,212c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12v-40c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40zM320,116c0,6.627 -5.373,12 -12,12h-40c-6.627,0 -12,-5.373 -12,-12L256,76c0,-6.627 5.373,-12 12,-12h40c6.627,0 12,5.373 12,12v40z"/>


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.