Jetpack Compose: State and LiveData


  • State in a value in or pass to composable, where changes of the value would update the UI
  • We store state in ViewModel, and pass it into composable, in order to make the composable stateless and easier to test
  • Using MutableState is the most convinient, but we could use LiveData, Flow or RxJava2



class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {    var currentUser by mutableStateOf<FirebaseUser?>(null)        private set    @JvmName("assignCurrentUser")    fun setCurrentUser(user: FirebaseUser?) {        currentUser = user    }}


@Composablefun UserProfileScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel, onSignIn: () -> Unit, onSignOut: () -> Unit) {    val currentUser = viewModel.currentUser    Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {        if (currentUser == null) {            Button(onClick = { onSignIn() }){                Text(text = "Sign in with Google")            }        }        else {            Text(text = "Welcome, ${currentUser.displayName}")            Button(onClick = { onSignOut() } ) {                Text(text = "Sign out")            }        }    }}



class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {    private var _currentUser: MutableLiveData<FirebaseUser?> = MutableLiveData(null)    val currentUser: LiveData<FirebaseUser?> = _currentUser    fun setCurrentUser(user: FirebaseUser?) {        _currentUser.value = user    }}


@Composablefun UserProfileScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel, onSignIn: () -> Unit, onSignOut: () -> Unit) {    val currentUser: FirebaseUser? by viewModel.currentUser.observeAsState(null)    Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {        if (currentUser == null) {            Button(onClick = { onSignIn() }){                Text(text = "Sign in with Google")            }        }        else {            Text(text = "Welcome, ${currentUser!!.displayName}")            Button(onClick = { onSignOut() } ) {                Text(text = "Sign out")            }        }    }}


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.