Import Bootstrap 4 Sass Media Breakpoints for npm webpack

Sep 15, 2017

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • Install bootstrap npm packages
  • Extract partial bootstrap scss

Install bootstrap npm

# install [email protected] --save-dev

Include bootstrap scss into your sass/scss files.

// avoid importing entire .scss as it might cause duplicate css styles// @import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss'// safer to import variables and mixins only to avoid duplicate css styles@import '~bootstrap/scss/_functions'@import '~bootstrap/scss/_variables'@import '~bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints'// only affects xs and below@include media-breakpoint-down(xs)  .lua-moment-result    margin-left: -15px    margin-right: -15px

You have access to the following media breakpoint functions.

  • media-breakpoint-up
  • media-breakpoint-down
  • media-breakpoint-between
  • media-breakpoint-only

With the following breakpoints.

  • xs: 0
  • sm: 576px
  • md: 768px
  • lg: 992px
  • xl: 1200px

Extract partial bootstrap scss

Access the bootstrap github to extract the following files to your project's sass/css directory.

  • scss/_functions.scss
  • scss/_variables.scss
  • scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss

Content of scss/_functions.scss required..

// Ascending// Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints.@mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {  $prev-key: null;  $prev-num: null;  @each $key, $num in $map {    @if $prev-num == null {      // Do nothing    } @else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {      @warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";    } @else if $prev-num >= $num {      @warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";    }    $prev-key: $key;    $prev-num: $num;  }}// Starts at zero// Another grid mixin that ensures the min-width of the lowest breakpoint starts at 0.@mixin _assert-starts-at-zero($map) {  $values: map-values($map);  $first-value: nth($values, 1);  @if $first-value != 0 {    @warn "First breakpoint in `$grid-breakpoints` must start at 0, but starts at #{$first-value}.";  }}

Content of scss/_variables.scss required.

// Grid breakpoints//// Define the minimum dimensions at which your layout will change,// adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries.$grid-breakpoints: (  xs: 0,  sm: 576px,  md: 768px,  lg: 992px,  xl: 1200px) !default;@include _assert-ascending($grid-breakpoints, "$grid-breakpoints");@include _assert-starts-at-zero($grid-breakpoints);

Content of scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss required.

// FROM: mixins/_breakpoints.scss// Breakpoint viewport sizes and media queries.//// Breakpoints are defined as a map of (name: minimum width), order from small to large:////    (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px)//// The map defined in the `$grid-breakpoints` global variable is used as the `$breakpoints` argument by default.// Name of the next breakpoint, or null for the last breakpoint.////    >> breakpoint-next(sm)//    md//    >> breakpoint-next(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px))//    md//    >> breakpoint-next(sm, $breakpoint-names: (xs sm md lg xl))//    md@function breakpoint-next($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint-names: map-keys($breakpoints)) {  $n: index($breakpoint-names, $name);  @return if($n < length($breakpoint-names), nth($breakpoint-names, $n + 1), null);}// Minimum breakpoint width. Null for the smallest (first) breakpoint.////    >> breakpoint-min(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px))//    576px@function breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  $min: map-get($breakpoints, $name);  @return if($min != 0, $min, null);}// Maximum breakpoint width. Null for the largest (last) breakpoint.// The maximum value is calculated as the minimum of the next one less 0.1.////    >> breakpoint-max(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px))//    767px@function breakpoint-max($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  $next: breakpoint-next($name, $breakpoints);  @return if($next, breakpoint-min($next, $breakpoints) - 1px, null);}// Returns a blank string if smallest breakpoint, otherwise returns the name with a dash infront.// Useful for making responsive utilities.////    >> breakpoint-infix(xs, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px))//    ""  (Returns a blank string)//    >> breakpoint-infix(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px))//    "-sm"@function breakpoint-infix($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  @return if(breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints) == null, "", "-#{$name}");}// Media of at least the minimum breakpoint width. No query for the smallest breakpoint.// Makes the @content apply to the given breakpoint and wider.@mixin media-breakpoint-up($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  $min: breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints);  @if $min {    @media (min-width: $min) {      @content;    }  } @else {    @content;  }}// Media of at most the maximum breakpoint width. No query for the largest breakpoint.// Makes the @content apply to the given breakpoint and narrower.@mixin media-breakpoint-down($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  $max: breakpoint-max($name, $breakpoints);  @if $max {    @media (max-width: $max) {      @content;    }  } @else {    @content;  }}// Media that spans multiple breakpoint widths.// Makes the @content apply between the min and max breakpoints@mixin media-breakpoint-between($lower, $upper, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  $min: breakpoint-min($lower, $breakpoints);  $max: breakpoint-max($upper, $breakpoints);  @media (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {    @content;  }}// Media between the breakpoint's minimum and maximum widths.// No minimum for the smallest breakpoint, and no maximum for the largest one.// Makes the @content apply only to the given breakpoint, not viewports any wider or narrower.@mixin media-breakpoint-only($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {  $min: breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints);  $max: breakpoint-max($name, $breakpoints);  @if $min != null and $max != null {    @media (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {      @content;    }  } @else if $max == null {    @include media-breakpoint-up($name)  } @else if $min == null {    @include media-breakpoint-down($name)  }}

Sample Usage.

@import "bootstrap/_functions"@import "bootstrap/_variables"@import "bootstrap/mixins/_breakpoints"// only affects xs and below@include media-breakpoint-down(xs)  .lua-moment-result    margin-left: -15px    margin-right: -15px

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.