Godot Area2D vs StaticBody2D vs RigidBody2D vs KinematicBody2D

Mar 5, 2021


  • Area2D nodes provide detection and influence.
  • They can detect when objects overlap and can emit signals when bodies enter or exit.
  • To override physics properties, such as gravity or damping, in a defined area.


  • Overriding physics parameters (such as gravity) in a given region.
  • Detect collision (if another body enter or exit)


  • Coin (detect collision if player collect it, but doesn't block player entering the coin, and no physic collision response required)
  • Fire/Spike Pit which incur damage to player
  • Sticky Floor area which slow movement


  • A static object which doesn't response to collision.


  • Platform, Conveyor belts
  • Wall, Floor
  • Obstacle


  • For object which response to collision/force, but you don't control the object directly (you apply force to it).


  • Falling blocks (Angry Birds)
  • Kick a ball.


  • A object where movement can be controlled directly, but collision response is implement manually by code.


  • Player, Moving Enemy


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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