Android Firestore Document addSnapshotListener as LiveData (lifecycle aware)


Extend LiveData

class DocumentSnapshotLiveData(    private val docRef: DocumentReference) : LiveData<Resource<DocumentSnapshot>>(), EventListener<DocumentSnapshot> {    private var registration: ListenerRegistration? = null    override fun onEvent(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot?, e: FirebaseFirestoreException?) {        // setValue        value = if (e != null) {            Resource(e)        } else {            Resource(snapshot!!)        }    }    override fun onActive() {        super.onActive()        registration = docRef.addSnapshotListener(this)    }    override fun onInactive() {        super.onInactive()        registration?.also {            it.remove()            registration = null        }    }}
class Resource<T> private constructor(    private val data: T?,    private val error: Exception?) {    val isSuccessful: Boolean        get() = data != null && error == null    constructor(data: T) : this(data, null)    constructor(exception: Exception) : this(null, exception)    fun data(): T {        if (error != null) {            throw IllegalStateException("Check isSuccessful first: call error() instead.")        }        return data!!    }    fun error(): Exception {        if (data != null) {            throw IllegalStateException("Check isSuccessful first: call data() instead.")        }        return error!!    }}


fun getLiveData(val userId: String): DocumentSnapshotLiveData {    val docRef = firestore.collection("users").document(userId)    return DocumentSnapshotLiveData(docRef)}
val userId = ...getLiveData(userId).observe(owner, Observer { result ->    if (result.isSuccessful) {        // do something        val doc =    }    else {        Timber.e(result.error())    }})

NOTE: Refer to Firestore addSnapshotListener with LifecycleOwner.

Kotlin Extension

fun DocumentReference.asSnapshotLiveData(): DocumentSnapshotLiveData {    return DocumentSnapshotLiveData(this)}
fun getLiveData(val userId: String): DocumentSnapshotLiveData {    return firestore.collection("users").document(userId)        .asSnapshotLiveData()}


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.