Firestore Partial Update Nested Field or Map

May 18, 2019

Partial update Nested Field


docRef.update(mapOf(    "" to "Desmond"))


docRef.set(mapOf(    "person" to mapOf(        "name" to "Desmond"    )), SetOptions.merge())

NOTE: Firestore Partial Update: Create Document if Not Exis.


This replace person with name: Desmond (replace/delete all existing entries in person).

docRef.update(mapOf(    "person" to mapOf(        "name" to "Desmond"    )))

This create a new field instead of adding name to person.

docRef.set(mapOf(    "" to "Desmond"), SetOptions.merge())

Partial update Map

Nested Field is actually a map, so its behaviour is exactly the same as updating a map.

docRef.update(mapOf(    "maps.3" to true))


docRef.set(mapOf(    "maps" to mapOf(        "3" to true    )), SetOptions.merge())


This replace maps with 3: true (replace/delete all existing entries in maps).

docRef.update(mapOf(    "maps" to mapOf(        "3" to true    )))

This create a new field maps.6: true instead of adding 6 to maps.

docRef.set(mapOf(    "maps.6" to true), SetOptions.merge())


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.