Google Cloud Firestore - Page 7

Android FirestoreUI FirestoreRecyclerAdapter: Runtime Replace Query
Android Load FirestoreUI FirestoreRecyclerAdapter With Empty Query (Clear RecyclerView)


Android Firestore Query addSnapshotListener as LiveData (lifecycle aware)


Android Firestore Document addSnapshotListener as LiveData (lifecycle aware)


Faster Way to Get/Read Data From Firestore (get vs addSnapshotListener) on Android

use addSnapshotListener

Firestore Security Rules: Prevent Modification of Certain Fields
Google Firestore: Store Document Id as Reference or String
Firestore Check Is Admin Security Rules
Firestore Server Timestamp (Kotlin)

FieldValue.serverTimestamp() or @ServerTimestamp

Firestore Exclude/Ignore Property From Save (Kotlin)

Why @Exclude and @IgnoreExtraProperties doesn't work