Resize Images From Google Cloud Storage Using Cloudinary (Python)

Register a Cloudinary account (Free tier available, credit card not required).

  • You need to pick a cloudname, which will form part of the image url as in[CLOUD_NAME]/....

After succesful setup, you shall have the following

  • Cloud name
  • API key
  • API Secret

As part of the account settings

  • Automatic backup: off
  • Enabled unsigned uploads: off

Google Cloud Storage Setup

To enable Cloudinary access to your Google Cloud Storage bucket, you need to do 2 things

  • Whitelisting: Add an empty file at .wellknown/cloudinary/[CLOUD_NAME].
  • Goto Google Cloud Console -> Storage, click on the bucket, click Create folder with name .wellknown/cloudinary.
  • Navigate to the folder .wellknown/cloudinary. Create an empty file on your local computer, name it the same as your cloud name and upload the file to this bucket.
  • You you don't do this step, cloudinary.exceptions.Error: You can't directly access the requested gs bucket, please contact support to whitelist is raised when trying to upload.
  • Cloudinary Service Account
  • Goto Google Cloud Console -> Storage, select the bucket and click on the 3-vertical-dot on the far-right and select Edit bucket permissions.
  • Click Add members and put in [email protected]
  • Give it the role of Storage -> Storage Object Viewer and click Save.


pip install cloudinary
import cloudinaryimport cloudinary.uploadercloudinary.config(  cloud_name = CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,  api_key = CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,  api_secret = CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET)gcs_id = 'gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/directory/filename''''folder (optional)- it helps to group images in a specific folder when browsing using Cloudinary Console -> Media Library- make it easy to delete all images by directory- you can group images by user or image typespublic_id (optional)- public id is useful to avoid accidentally upload the same image multiple times- the final public_id is actually folder + public_id'''data = cloudinary.uploader.upload(gcs_id, folder='DIRECTORY', public_id='FILENAME')# save this id for future operation# if you are using folder: public_id = [FOLDER]/[PUBLIC_ID]public_id = data['public_id']# save this url for display image in websitesecure_url = data['secure_url']

Manipulate image via code

public_id = ...img = cloudinary.CloudinaryImage(public_id)url = img.build_url(width=100, height=100, crop="fill")#[CLOUD_NAME]/image/upload/w_100,h_100,c_fill/[FOLDER]/[ID].jpg

Manipulate image via url

You can manipuate the image directly via url without calling img.build_url.

Make an image into a square without distorting the image.[CLOUD_NAME]/image/upload/w_100,h_100,c_fill/[FOLDER]/[ID].jpg

Make an image into a square, maintain aspect ratio and fill blank area with color.[CLOUD_NAME]/image/upload/w_100,h_100,c_pad,b_white/[FOLDER]/[ID].jpg

Make an image maximum width or height as 1600px.[CLOUD_NAME]/image/upload/w_1600,h_1600,c_fit/[FOLDER]/[ID].jpg

Change image format into .webp or .jpg[CLOUD_NAME]/image/upload/w_1600,h_1600,c_fit/[FOLDER]/[ID].jpg[CLOUD_NAME]/image/upload/w_1600,h_1600,c_fit/[FOLDER]/[ID].webp

Cloudinary Tips

  • Cloudinary charge by credit: 1 Credit equals 1000 transformations or 1GB of managed storage or 1GB of monthly viewing bandwidth.
  • To save money on managed storage (and Google Cloud Storage as well), you might to to store/upload images as .webp (30% savings, and you could serve the image as .jpg later) and resized (the original might be 4800px, but my website won't show larger than 1600px)
  • Responsive images

NOTE: Android Resize Image and save as JPG or WEBP.

NOTE: Review: Compare Image Processing Service/API Prices


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.