Nuxt Load Firebase V9 Dynamically

Apr 12, 2022

I Nuxt With Firebase V9 Modular (Tree Shake), we load firebase application and analytics by default (static), but load other firebase modules like auth and firebase dynamically.

Here we will load everything dynamically.

Edit plugins/firebaseClient.js with the following modification.

import { initializeApp, getApps } from "firebase/app"import { getAnalytics } from "firebase/analytics";const firebaseConfig = {  apiKey: "AIza******",  authDomain: "*****",  projectId: "*****",  storageBucket: "*****",  messagingSenderId: "9613*****",  appId: "1:9613*****:web:5ec9*****",  measurementId: "G-C7*****"}export default async ({ app, store }, inject) => {  const fire = {    // app,    // analytics,    async getApp() {      if (! {        // const { initializeApp, getApps } = await import(        //  /* webpackChunkName: "firebase" */         //   "firebase/app")        const apps = getApps()        let firebaseApp = null        if (!apps.length) { = initializeApp(firebaseConfig)        } else { = apps[0]        }      }      return    },    async getAnalytics() {      if (! {        // const { getAnalytics } = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "firebase" */ "firebase/analytics");        const firebaseApp = await this.getApp() = getAnalytics(firebaseApp);      }      return    }  }  inject('fire', fire)  if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production') {    // if (isMobile()) {      // delay loading analytics      setTimeout(async () => {        await fire.getAnalytics()      }, 5000)    // }    //else {    //  await fire.getAnalytics();    //}  }}

If you want to optimize the default bundle size further, you can also perform dynamic import.

// import { initializeApp, getApps } from "firebase/app"// import { getAnalytics } from "firebase/analytics";
const fire = {  async getApp() {    if (! {      const { initializeApp, getApps } = await import(        /* webpackChunkName: "firebase" */         "firebase/app")      const apps = getApps()      let firebaseApp = null      if (!apps.length) { = initializeApp(firebaseConfig)      } else { = apps[0]      }    }    return  },  async getAnalytics() {    if (! {      const { getAnalytics } = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "firebase" */ "firebase/analytics");      const firebaseApp = await this.getApp() = getAnalytics(firebaseApp);    }    return  }}

NOTE: JavaScript Dynamic Import with Tree Shaking (via async).

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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