Vuepress 1.x: Use vuepress-plugin-clean-urls to Remove .html File Extension and Trailing Slash

May 21, 2019

vuepress-plugin-clean-urls try to solve 2 issues

  • Redirect /about.html to /about (remove .html file extension)
  • Redirect /privacy/ to /privacy (remove trailing /)

NOTE: VuePress Remove .html Extension From Pages Route.

Install & Setup vuepress-plugin-clean-urls

yarn add vuepress-plugin-clean-urls

Edit docs/config.js.

module.exports = {  plugins: {    'clean-urls': {      normalSuffix: '',      indexSuffix: '',    },  }}

vuepress-plugin-clean-urls Caveats: 21 May 2019

Main page fail to load

Main page cannot be loaded on http://localhost:8080 when indexSuffix: ''

NOTE: Reported issue.

This could solve by edit docs/ with

---permalink: /---

NOTE: Reported issue.

Markdown linking

[/privacy](/privacy) -> `/pricavy`[/privacy/](/privacy/) -> `/privacy/`[./](./ -> `/privacy.html`[./about/](./about/ -> `/about/`

NOTE: With about/ setup, /about/ will return 404.


module.exports = {  themeConfig: {    nav: [      { text: 'Privacy', link: '/privacy/' },   // -> /privacy/      { text: 'Privacy', link: '/privacy' },    // -> privacy.html      { text: 'Privacy', link: '/' }, // -> privacy.html    ]  }}


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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.