Can I Sign My Own Apk After Using Google Play App Signing?

Mar 31, 2019


If you also distribute your app outside of Google Play or plan to later, you can generate the app signing key you want to use for every app store, and then upload it to Google when you opt in to app signing by Google Play.

If you use Android App Bundles, you need to sign only your app bundle before you upload it to the Play Console, and app signing by Google Play takes care of the rest. However, you can also manually sign your app for upload to Google Play and other app stores.

New App

You generate an upload key/keystore/jks, which you can use to signed the Bundle/APK.

When you setup your release track (Production/Beta/Alpha/Internal test), you can Opt in to app signing by Google Play.

To have Google Play generate an app signing key for you and use it to sign your app, select Continue. The key you use to sign your first release becomes your upload key, and you should use it to sign future releases.

You upload your Bundle/APK using your generated upload key.

App signing certificate and Upload certificate compatibility

Upload certificate is the key/keystore/jks you generated on your computer, which you sign your APK/App Bundle with it before upload to Google Play or distribute the APK directly.

App signing certificate is the certificate used by Google Play to re-sign your uploaded app, primarily to support App Bundle.

Both Upload certificate and App signing certificate has different SHA-1 certificate fingerprint, thus they are incompatible.

  • If you install a local APK signed with Upload certificate, Google Play APK/App Bundle signed with App signing certificate cannot update the App.
  • If you install Google Play APK/App Bundle signed with App signing certificate, trying to install a local APK signed with Upload certificate will fail.

It seems impossible to sign a local APK with the same certificate as Google Play App signing certificate.

If you want to distibute APK/App Bundle for internal testing, use open, closed, or internal test or Intrenal App Sharing distributed via Google Play.

NOTE: Refer Android App Bundle: Launch Activity from Dynamic Feature Modules



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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

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