BootstrapVue Autocomplete/Typeahead/Suggest Input


<template>  <div>    <h1>Autocomplete</h1>    <b-input-group>      <template #prepend>        <b-dropdown ref="dropdown" toggle-class="text-decoration-none" no-caret @toggle="dropdownToggle" @hide="dropdownHide" @shown="dropdownShow">          <template #button-content>            &#x1f50d;<span class="sr-only">Search</span>          </template>                    <b-dropdown-item v-for="item in items" @click="selectItem(item)">{{ item }}</b-dropdown-item>        </b-dropdown>      </template>      <b-form-input        ref="input"        id="input-query"        v-model="query"        placeholder="Query"        />     </b-input-group>    Selected: {{ selectedItem }}  </div></template><script>import Vue from 'vue'export default {  props: ['q', 'data'],  data() {    return {      query: null,      items:,      selectedItem: null,      dropdownShown: false,      forceShow: false,      forceHide: false    }  },  watch: {    query(val) {      if (this.selectedItem && this.query != this.selectedItem) {        this.selectedItem = null      }      if (val && !this.selectedItem) {        val = val.toLowerCase()        this.items = => item.toLowerCase().includes(val));              if (this.items.length && !this.dropdownShown) {          this.$        }      }    }  },  methods: {    dropdownToggle(value) {      if (!this.dropdownShown) {        this.forceShow = true      }      else {        this.forceHide = true      }    },    selectItem(item) {      this.selectedItem = item      this.query = item      this.$emit('selected', item)      this.$refs.dropdown.hide(false)    },    dropdownHide(bvEvent) {      if (!this.selectedItem) {        if (this.forceHide) {          this.forceHide = false          this.dropdownShown = false        }        else {          bvEvent.preventDefault()          // this.dropdownShown = true        }      }      else {        if (this.forceShow) {          bvEvent.preventDefault()          this.forceShow = false          // this.dropdownShown = true        }        else {          this.dropdownShown = false        }      }    },    dropdownShow(bvEvent) {      this.dropdownShown = true      this.$refs.input.focus()    }  },  mounted() {    // to trigger watch    this.query = this.q  }}  </script>


<template>  <div>    <autocomplete-input q="" :data="['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Pear']" @selected="selected" />    <div>Selected: {{ selectedValue }}</div>  </div></template><script>export default {  data() {    return {      selectedValue: null    }  },  methods: {    selected(item) {      this.selectedValue = item    }  }}</script>

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.