JavaScript Extract And Link Hashtag


Install twitter-text.

npm install twitter-text --save

Context hashtag to link (works for Chinese character as well).

import twitterText from 'twitter-text'const str = 'I am #hello #My World #我爱你'const html = twitterText.autoLinkHashtags(str, { hashtagUrlBase: '/tags/', hashtagClass: 'hashtag', suppressNoFollow: true })console.log(html)


I am <a href="/tags/hello" title="#hello" class="hashtag">#hello</a> <a href="/tags/My" title="#My" class="hashtag">#My</a> World <a href="/tags/我爱你" title="#我爱你" class="hashtag">#我爱你</a>

twitter-text has a htmlEscape function as well.

const str = 'I am < #hello > <strong>not bold</string>'let html = twitterText.htmlEscape(str)console.log(html)


I am &lt; #hello &gt; &lt;strong&gt;not bold&lt;/string&gt;


html = twitterText.autoLinkHashtags(str , { hashtagUrlBase: '/tags/', hashtagClass: 'hashtag', suppressNoFollow: true })console.log(html)


I am &lt; <a href="/tags/hello" title="#hello" class="hashtag">#hello</a> &gt; &lt;strong&gt;not bold&lt;/string&gt;

I am &lt;

twitter-text can extract and link url, hashtag and mention as well.

const str = 'I am #hashtag @mention, BYE!'const html = twitterText.autoLink(str)console.log(html)
I am <a href="" title="#hashtag" class="tweet-url hashtag" rel="nofollow">#hashtag</a> @<a class="tweet-url username" href="" data-screen-name="mention" rel="nofollow">mention</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, BYE!

Note: auto link URL works for but not


linkifyjs has a hastag plugin as well.

npm install linkifyjs --save
import * as linkify from 'linkifyjs'import linkifyHtml from 'linkifyjs/html'import hashtag from 'linkifyjs/plugins/hashtag'hashtag(linkify)const str = 'I am #hello #My World #我爱你, BYE!'const html = linkifyHtml(str, {    nl2br: true, // optional    formatHref: {      hashtag: href => `/tags/${href.replace('#', '')}`    },    className: {      hashtag: 'hashtag'    }  })console.log(html)
I am <a href="/tags/hello" class="hashtag">#hello</a> <a href="/tags/My" class="hashtag">#My</a> World #我爱你 <a href="" class="linkified" target="_blank"></a>, BYE!

Note: hashtag doesn't work for Chinese character

Note: url linking works for both and

Note: come with nl2br (convert newline \n to break <br>)

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.