Nuxt Inject Global Helper Functions or Variables

Feb 20, 2020

Combined Inject

Edit nuxt.config.js.

export default {  plugins: ['~/plugins/inject.js']}

Edit ~/plugins/inject.js

You can create an object to hold functions or variables.

const test = {  name: 'Test'  ping() {      console.log('Ping')  }}export default ({ app }, inject) => {  inject('test', test)}

Access object in components

export default {  mounted () {    this.$  },  /*  // context -  asyncData (context) {    console.log($  }   */  // access context via destructuring assignment  asyncData ({ app }) {    console.log(app.$  },}

Access object in plugins

export default ({ app }) => {  app.$  console.log(app.$}

Access object in store.

export const state = () => ({  testName: null})export const mutations = {  updateTestName(state, value) {    state.testName = `${this.$}: ${value}`  },}export const actions = {  testPing({ commit }) {    this.$    commit('updateTestName', 'ping')  },}


You can use Vue.prototype if you need the object accessiable via components but not nuxt context.

Edit ~/plugins/inject.js

const test = {  name: 'Test'  ping() {      console.log('Ping')  }}Vue.prototype.$test = test

Vue mixins

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.