pip install --upgrade google-api-python-clientpip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
Enable Youtube Data API at Google Cloud Console
Setup Credentials
- Goto
Google Cloud Console -> Credentials ->
OAuth consent screen. - Go back to
to createOAuth client ID
:Application type
: Web application, Android, Chrome App, iOS, Other; I chooseOthers
as I am running a local script.Name
: For you to identify the usage of this key
- You will be shown client ID and secret. Click OK.
- Click
Download JSON
and save the file ascredentials.json
from googleapiclient.discovery import buildfrom google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlowfrom google.auth.transport.requests import RequestTOKEN_FILE = 'keys/token.pickle'CREDENTIAL_FILE = 'keys/credentials.json'# setup credentialscredentials = Noneif os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE): with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'rb') as token: credentials = pickle.load(token)if not credentials or not credentials.valid: if credentials and credentials.expired and credentials.refresh_token: credentials.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( CREDENTIAL_FILE, SCOPES) credentials = flow.run_local_server(port=10800) # Save the credentials for the next run with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'wb') as token: pickle.dump(credentials, token)# build apiyoutube = build('youtube', 'v3', credentials=credentials)# url = ''youtube_id = 'Ks-_Mh1QhMc'request = youtube.videos().list( part="snippet", # ,contentDetails,statistics id=youtube_id)if result['items']: item = result['items'][0] # title = item['snippet']['title'] # description = item['snippet']['description'] date = item['snippet']['publishedAt']
Sample Output
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NOTE: Get YouTube ID from URL