Enable YouTube API and obtain credentials
Install dependencies
npm install googleapis --savenpm install google-auth-library --save
const {google} = require('googleapis');const GOOGLE_API_KEY = ...// youtube username or channel id is required// youtube username// const username = ... // or youtube channel id// https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqK_GSMbpiV8spgD3ZGloSwconst channelId = 'UCqK_GSMbpiV8spgD3ZGloSw'const youtube = google.youtube({ version: 'v3', auth: GOOGLE_API_KEY});let res = nulllet channelId = nulllet playlistId = nullres = await youtube.channels.list({ part: 'snippet,contentDetails', // ,statistics // forUsername: username, id: channelId, // headers: headers,});for (const channel of res.data.items) { console.log(channel.id, channel.snippet.title) // console.log(channel.contentDetails) // channelId = channel.id playlistId = channel.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads}let nextPageToken = nulllet page = 1while (page == 1 || nextPageToken) { res = await youtube.playlistItems.list({ part: 'id,snippet,contentDetails', // , playlistId: playlistId, pageToken: nextPageToken, maxResults: 20, // 50 // headers: headers, }); nextPageToken = res.data.nextPageToken const videos = res.data.items.map(video => { return { url: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${video.contentDetails.videoId}`, title: video.snippet.title, date: new Date(video.snippet.publishedAt), } }) video.forEach(video => { console.log(url, title, date) }) page += 1}