Bootstrap 4 Hide fixed-top Navbar When Scroll Down

Sep 5, 2017
Hide, FadeOut or incremental hide, reappear when scroll up.

The following code will hide navbar when scrolling down and show navbar when scrolling up.

Listen to jQuery.scroll and use scrollTop to keep track if it's scrolling up or down.

If you are not using jQuery Slim, you can use fadeIn and fadeOut for better effects.

$(function () {  var lastScrollTop = 0;  var $navbar = $('.navbar');  $(window).scroll(function(event){    var st = $(this).scrollTop();    if (st > lastScrollTop) { // scroll down            // use this is jQuery full is used      $navbar.fadeOut()            // use this to use CSS3 animation      // $navbar.addClass("fade-out");      // $navbar.removeClass("fade-in");            // use this if no effect is required      // $navbar.hide();    } else { // scroll up            // use this is jQuery full is used      $navbar.fadeIn()            // use this to use CSS3 animation      // $navbar.addClass("fade-in");      // $navbar.removeClass("fade-out");            // use this if no effect is required      // $;    }    lastScrollTop = st;  });});

CSS3 transitions is pretty well supported for fadeIn and fadeOut effects if you are using jQuery Slim.

.fade-in {  visibility: visible;  opacity: 1;  transition: opacity 1s linear;}.fade-out {  visibility: hidden;  opacity: 0;  transition: visibility 0s 1s, opacity 1s linear;}

Use the following code if you want navbar to hide incrementally when srolling down and appear incrementally when scrolling up.

$(function () {  var lastScrollTop = 0;  var $navbar = $('.navbar');  var navbarHeight = $navbar.outerHeight();  var movement = 0;  var lastDirection = 0;  $(window).scroll(function(event){    var st = $(this).scrollTop();    movement += st - lastScrollTop;    if (st > lastScrollTop) { // scroll down      if (lastDirection != 1) {        movement = 0;      }      var margin = Math.abs(movement);      if (margin > navbarHeight) {        margin = navbarHeight;      }      margin = -margin;      $navbar.css('margin-top', margin+"px")      lastDirection = 1;    } else { // scroll up      if (lastDirection != -1) {        movement = 0;      }      var margin = Math.abs(movement);      if (margin > navbarHeight) {        margin = navbarHeight;      }      margin = margin-navbarHeight;      $navbar.css('margin-top', margin+"px")      lastDirection = -1;    }    lastScrollTop = st;    // console.log(margin);  });});

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✨ By Desmond Lua

A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and making youtube videos. Follow me on @d_luaz

👶 Apps I built

Travelopy - discover travel places in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.